The Big Coloring Book of Vaginas
30 pages of illustrated vaginas with games such as word search, connect the dots, and an "all about my vagina" section

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Psst... can i tell you a secret?
(Every woman has one!)
Vaginas are a fingerprint. Captured in this book along with fun puzzles and games is the uniqueness of the vagina beautifully illustrated. From the compact smooth vagina to a coiffed vagina with full lips. Some are pierced, some are tattooed, some are soft spoken and some are in your face! Illustrate these beautiful vaginas with your imagination and show your love for what makes your world go round!
by Morgan Hastings
Watch The Big Coloring Book of Vaginas Being Illustrated!
Praise for The Big Coloring Book of Vaginas
"I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the Big Coloring Book of Vaginas. A great concept, well executed, educational, and a joyous work of erotic art. Ideal for people with and without vaginas. No crayons even needed to enjoy it."
-- Annie Sprinkle, Ph.D., Porn star turned artist/sexologist
"Vulva, vagina, call it what you like, Morgan knows how to draw it -- with love, respect, and just enough whimsy. Get out your crayons and get to know this fantastic body part much better... you (or perhaps a friend with a vagina) will be glad you did!"
-- Carol Queen, PhD, Center for Sex & Culture
"The Big Coloring Book of Vaginas uses in a simple, sex-positive style that would be appropriate for your pre-teen child to your feisty grandmother. You’ll smile while looking at the illustrations; I cannot imagine the book failing to please at a wedding shower, bachelor party, or any other gathering of fun, open-minded people."
-- alwaysarousedgirl,
"Part activity book, part really hip coloring book, The BIG Coloring Book of Vaginas is one very cool way to get more intimately acquainted with one of our favorite parts of the female body....Don't tell anyone, but we like this whimsical little book even better than the Cunt Coloring Book, it's that good!"
"This New offering from Big Book Alt Press... is very near and dear to our hearts for three simple reasons: We like big things. We like coloring books. And we definitely like vaginas. 30 full pages of colorable cunts in every size, shape and configuration possible, as well as other activities like word searches, Draw Your own Vagina, and connect the dots. it may not turn you into Georgia O'Keeffe, but we think it'll bring out the vagina artist in anyone."
-- Penthouse Forum, August 2007
Reader Reviews from!
This book entered my life at a time when I was feeling more or less 'eh' about my vagina. Like, I'd wake up in the morning, first thought: 'I've got a vagina.' Next thought: 'Yeah, so?'
Not anymore. In my mind, at least, my private parts have progressed from the drab Middle Ages to a Technicolor Age of Aquarius. Let the sunshine in.
I got this book for fun for my wife, and I wasn't sure how she would respond. To my surprise she has been coloring it happily. She loves it. The artistry is great. Very sex-positive messages throughout. I recommend this book as a gift for your friends or yourself. Enjoy!
This book is a wonderfully whimsical bit of erotica... I got it as a birthday present for my boyfriend and it's always a bit topic of conversation when company comes over. it's now almost completely colored in!
The Big Coloring Book of Vaginas isn't just a coloring book. It's inspiration. When first presented with this, I strummed through it thinking it was a joke. But I soon realized that this is a guidebook for redecorating your vagina, especially if it's been around awhile and you feel like you've run out of new ways to dress it up.
I put aside the crayons, except to use to draw in accessories like scarves and snoods, in favor of spray glitter, various stick-on mustaches, mini-flower and seed arrangements. (I didn't like the seeds -- too elementary school, hence, creepy. You don't want a bean and seed turkey down there, believe me!)
My current favorite is stick-on beadwork in an ornate Tiffany-esque peacock design. (Tip: surprise your ob/gyn with a beadwork speculum! He'll flip!)
Also, if it's your bridal day, try a delicate self-adhesive Velcro surprise for your honeymoon. Your partner will never forget it!
I bought this as a birthday gift for one of my friends. At her party, I was a bit scared that it might "cross the line". However, it turns out that everyone loved it *even the married couples*! It was the life of the party.
I would highly recommend this book!!!
I bought this book and my only complaint is that the vaginas weren't realistic enough. Sike--only kidding. I did buy this for a friend as a gag gift, and she laughed her butt off. Here is an interesting fact about it: it was drawn by a guy. But I guess that makes sense since guys probably see a wider variety of vaginas than straight women do. Anyway, this book is rad and I liked it.
I think this was one of the best gifts I've ever given. If you like seeing your friends and family turn red, this will surly do the trick. This book was great fun. : )
Who said crayons are for kids?!! This wonderful book will bring out the artist in everyone. Great adult entertainment. You are guaranteed to be the star of any occasion with this unique gift. Highly recommended!
This is a delightful, body-positive and beautiful work of art. I have purchased several copies for friends of both genders, and consider it mandatory reading (and coloring). The vagina should be celebrated, and it is truly unfortunate that we reside in a world where women feel their "private parts" need reconstruction or deserve anything less than reverence. I encourage everyone to buy a book and celebrate the beauty of the female body; the mystery; the wonder; the humor... Viva La Vagina!