The Big Coloring Book of Sex Positions
Color how much you love sex with The Big Coloring Book of Sex Positions!

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Let's do it...
Sex is just funny; It's hot and heavy and fun and joyous. Sex curls our toes, sparks our imagination, delightfully stimulates a multitude of sensations, makes us have funny faces, makes us docile and makes us crazy. We're motivated by it, curious about it, obsessed with it and hungry for it. Not all of us talk about it, but it's everywhere. Sex inspires creativity in art and literature, you can hear it in music or even in someone's voice. So let's do it for science, let's do it for love, let's do it for fun, do it cause we're here, cause we're curious, cause it makes us happy, brings us joy, brings us close, drives us with heat, sweat, breath, hunter, hunted, lover, loved, a culmination and a radiant collapse.
Color how much you love sex with The Big Coloring Book of Sex Positions! What color you choose for the afterglow is totally up to you.
by Morgan Hastings