The Big Coloring Book of Cocks
30 pages of illustrated cocks with games such as word search, connect the dots, and an "all about my cock" section!

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Hey! Are those crayons in your pocket?
Or are you just happy to see me?
The cock as a symbol represents strength, fertility, virility and finds its way into architecture with the Leaning Tower of Pisa, Coit Tower, Roman pillars and columns, into psychology with Freud, into literature with phallic metaphors in Shakespeare’s plays, in art with Mapplethorpe’s flower photography, ancient sculptures and magical talismans, in anthropology with rituals of phallic adoration such as the maypole. Big Book Alt Press is proud to represent the phallus be it capped, cut, pierced, tattooed, crooked, or bulbous! Color up your praise of the great phallus with the Big Coloring Book of Cocks!!
by Morgan Hastings
View the companion book
The Big Coloring Book of Vaginas
Watch The Big Coloring Book of Cocks Being Illustrated!
Reader Reviews from!
I really think this book is fun, I bought it as a birthday gift. But how on earth does one review it? It's kind of unique.
The format is just like the old fashioned children's colouring (I'm British) and activity books. Though of course the content is adult. It could be on dodgy ground but the publishers have managed to give it a naive and playful feel. There are the different types of, er, members of various named characters "Some are like a tower" etc. In the centre are word-search and join-the-dots activity games to add extra interest. There is even space to draw one's own.
The fun factor outweighs the erotic feel so don't buy it hoping to be titillated.